Daily Archives: October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween! Boooo!!

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Video Classics: ‘In the Air Tonight’

Not many musicians can claim their very first single was a #2 hit (later #114 on the 1991 Firecracker 500), and that it moreover helped define the musical sound for an entire decade. But with In the Air Tonight, Phil Collins is one of those musicians.

Of course, by 1981 Collins was no newcomer to the music scene. He had a decade of work under his belt with Genesis as its drummer and later lead vocalist. With the departure of Peter Gabriel, Genesis began to leave its progressive rock roots behind and move more toward the pop scene, to generally positive reviews.

In the Air Tonight (like many of Collins songs of the period) is very darkly atmospheric, a phase he later attributed to the failing marriage he was going through at the time. The lyrics tell of a man who has witnessed another individual perpetrating some unnamed act, revealing to the perpetrator that he knows what was done, and indicating that some equally unnamed consequences are coming soon. Along with the music’s haunting chords, it gives the song a very sinister feel (which is compounded when paired with the video).

The drum sounds from In the Air Tonight are especially notable. Created with a drum machine that Collins had purchased to help him make music while getting through a difficult time with his wife, and utilizing a ‘reverse talkback’ process that had been discovered accidentally back when Collins was helping record Peter Gabriel’s solo album Intruder, it was in many ways the song’s most memorable element. Music critic Stuart Maconie has called it ‘the template for all the ’80’s drum songs after that’.

An urban legend persists that the song was written about an incident where Collins observed a man fail to act to save someone from drowning, then wrote the song and used it to single out the man at a later concert. Collins has debunked this myth, saying he wrote up 99% of the lyrics ‘on the spot’ after coming up with the chord progression.

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The state of the status report

As we go in to the last day of October, I just wanted to mention that we are growing!  We started this here web log back in June and we have increased readers every month and I certainly appreciate it. I recognize there are plenty of websites to read and I am very honored and humbled you have spent time here on this blog.

I’ve tried to give you some humor, some news, and a place to gain some useless information in an entertaining way, and it’s truly been a labor of love. Some people play golf, collect postage stamps, or teach dogs tricks, but I blog. It’s been fun and I hope I can continue to keep you entertained for a moment in your day. Perahps one day you will feel comfortable enough to comment on the entries. But no pressure. I’m just glad folks click on to the site.

Being that this is an election year and it’s getting darn close to election day, I have tried to post some things both parties could be proud of. Really, when I think about it, we are truly fortunate to live in a country where politics can be so darned funny. I hope you have enjoyed some of the posts, and I hope you vote!

So even though we have a tough challenge to get more people to view the site in November, we are going to give it a shot. Please tell your friends about us, and help us keep setting records for people reading my blog. Thanks, and party on Garth!



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If You’re Planning On Wearing a Sarah Palin Costume For Halloween

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Kevin Rose is so lame

Can Kevin Rose be any more gay?

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "Kevin Rose is so lame", posted with vodpod

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Aggies’ choice: Texas or Tech?

Let me pose a question to all the loyal Texas A&M fans out there: In Saturday night’s showdown in Lubbock, who will you be rooting for (if anybody) Texas or Texas Tech?

Yes, I know, to you, it’s like choosing between root canal and hypothermia.

But look at this as more than an exercise in difficult choices. We all know how you A&M folks feel about anything burnt orange. It’s a great college rivalry and now Texas is No. 1 and moving closer to its second national title in four seasons. Do you really want to see that?

At the same time, Tech is on the verge of becoming an elite national program and there’s not much love lost between the Red Raiders and A&M either. Remember the little matter of the touchdown that Tech scored in the final minute this season in College Station, with a win already assured?

Plus, I’m genuinely curious.

So, what’s the verdict?

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A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality
that they imagine that   America can suffer defeat without
any inconvenience to themselves.

Pause a moment, reflect back.

 These events are actual events from history..

 They really happened!!!

 Do you remember?

 1. 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male

 2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped
 and massacred by Muslim male extremists.

 3. In 1979, the US embassy in  Iran was taken over by
 Muslim male extremists.

 4. During the 1980 ‘s a number of Americans were
 kidnapped in  Lebanon by Muslim male extremists.

 5. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in  Beirut was blown up
 by Muslim male extremists.

 6. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a
 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown
 overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim male extremists.

 7. In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at   Athens , and a
 US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by
 Muslim male extremists.

 8. In 1988 , Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim male

 9. In 1993 the  World   Trade  Center was bombed the
 first time by Muslim male extremists.

 10. In 1998, the   US embassies in  Kenya and Tanzania
 were bombed by Muslim male extremists.

 11. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used
 as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the
 remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the o
 ther was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands
 of people were killed by Muslim male extremists.

 12. In 2002 the   United States fought a war in
 Afghanistan against Muslim male extremists.

 13. In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and
 murdered by– you guessed it– Muslim male extremists.

 No, I really don’t see a pattern here to justify
 profiling, do you? So, to ensure we Americans never offend
 anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, airport
 security screeners will no longer be allowed to profile
 certain people… Absolutely No Profiling!

 They must conduct random searches of 80-year-old women,
 little kids, airline pilots with proper identification,
 secret agents who are members of the President’s
 security detail, 85-year old Congressmen with metal hips,
 and Medal of Honor winner and former Governor Joe Foss,
  but leave Muslim Males alone lest they be guilty of

 According to The Book of Revelations:< BR>
 The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40’s, of (likely)
 MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive
 language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal….the
 prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will
 promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power,
 he will destroy everything.

 And Now:
 For the award winning Act of Stupidity Of all times the
 People of America want to elect, to the most Powerful
 position on the face of the Planet — The Presidency of the
 United states of America .. A Male of Muslim descent who is
 the most extremely liberal Senator in Congress (in other
 words an extremist) and in his 40’s.

 Have the American People completely lost their Minds, or
 just their Power of Reason ???

 I’m sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the
 ‘unknown’ candidate Obama…

 Let’s send this to as many people as we can so that the
 Gloria Aldreds and other stupid attorneys along with Federal
 Justices that want to thwart commo n sense, feel ashamed of
 themselves — if they have any such sense.

 As the writer of the award winning story ‘Forrest
 Gump’ so aptly put it,
 ‘Stupid Is As Stupid Does’

 Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or
 media outlet…do it!
 or again. . .  just delete if you disagree.
 PS:  Did you notice none of this said anything about race?

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5 More Friends Remind You To VOTE!

And don’t miss this:

Hopefully, I’ll be able to upload video.

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