Can banned Digg friends come back to life?

Now that Digg has banned half of North America, I am proposing a new game for us banned folks with the number 666 tatooed on our foreheads. Just come back as another person. I’m pretty sure this is being done already, but let me be the first to go out on a limb here and make it public.

And why not? What’s wrong with coming back to Digg with a different user name? It’s not like it’s not easy to do. I mean how many computers can I get into with a different IP address since I work at a college with hundreds of different computers on site. And do I even need to feel bad about hiding my identity? Absolutely not! They aren’t my rules, and besides, Digg members work for free, and Digg is getting rich so why should I care about a new name on Digg?

So that brings up a different topic for Digg. What if I am a banned Digger and get back on Digg and try to make friends with my old friends again? Do I tell them who I am? Absolutely not! Well, shouldn’t I let my old friends know who I am or at least try to let them know it’s me? I am going to say no. If they guess, maybe, but don’t volunteer anything. And that brings me to a very good point about Digg anyway. When someone is asking you to be freidns on Digg, remember, they may be an old friend coming back to life. Be nice to them.

Maybe there should be a secret password to let the friend know you are a “Digg Zombie”.  Let me go on record as saying a Digg Zombie is a person who was on Digg before and got banned and came back to Digg in another life. The secret code word then is ZOMBIE!

So the next time someone wants to be your friend on Digg, be careful, it just might be a zombie coming for you! (smile)


Filed under General Topics

4 responses to “Can banned Digg friends come back to life?

  1. “Digg is getting rich” isn’t really correct. The company has never made a profit, and as the person who built digg originally, all I’ve seen is a tax bill. The correct usage would be “Kevin Rose and Jay Adelson” are getting rich – pretty much everyone else is getting screwed.

  2. ashmadai

    I’ve run message boards for many years, Lew, and I know there are a minimum of 3 ways that a site can bam a person: By Screen Name, By IP Number, and By Email Address.

    I also know that there are several users who had their screen names banned, but not their IP or Email Addresses. Additionally I know Digg has banned a few of it’s members by IP or perhaps even their MAC addresses. So I know Digg has options for banning other than by screen name only.

    Therefore… it is my `considered opinion'(do you like that choice of wording? LoL) that Digg wants the majority of it’s members to come back. Hey, the fact is that they allow people to come back fairly easy – therefore they must want them to come back. Does that sound logical or reasonable enough for a justification? LoL

    In fact Digg could actually consider the stripping of one’s stats as punishment enough to most of the so-called violations… the User should be able to come back under a variation of their old name. I wouldn’t really advise that, but technically Digg could allow such a thing and take comfort in the fact that they brought down a power digger or top user.

    So I really see nothing wrong with what you present, Lew, as if my opinion really matters to Digg. I’ve been ‘giving them advice’ for around 6 months now and they haven’t listened yet. lol They probably should have listened, but oh well… it’s their site, not mine. hehe

  3. asbd14bl0

    I already tried registering with a second account. Submitted a few things, frontpaged a few times, and left some comments here and there. They banned that account, too.

  4. Pingback: Digg Zombies Unite!! « Lewp’s Weblog

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